Qubit Enabled Imaging, Sensing, and Metrology

Review Meeting 2013

November 14-15, 2013 MIT, 32 Vassar St., Cambridge, MA

Please register so that we can plan on your attendance!


(Please check back for updates)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

MIT, Building 26, Room 214

13:00–13:15 Welcome & Registration
13:15–14:00 P. Cappellaro, MIT Quantum Waveform Estimation
14:00–14:45 V. Vuletic, MIT  Towards entangling large atomic ensembles with a single photon
14:45–15:15 Coffee Break
15:15–16:00 M. Knap, Harvard  Interferometric probes of strongly-correlated quantum matter
16:00–16:45 A. Yacoby, Harvard  Sub Nanometer Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Dark spins
17:00–19:00 Evening Discussion and Poster Session  at MIT, Building 36, Room 428


Friday, November 15, 2013

MIT, Building 26, Room 214

8:30–9:00 Breakfast
9:00–9:45 S. Brewer, NIST  An Al+ quantum-logic clock for field-deployable measurements
9:45–10:30 N. Mizuochi, Osaka U.  Single photon, spin and charge manipulation by diamond quantum
10:30–11:00 Coffee Break
11:00–11:45 M. Lukin, Harvard  Quantum metrology: from nanoscale sensing to world clocks
11:45–12:30 M. Greiner, Harvard Ultracold atom precision control for metrology
12:30– Discussion / Adjourn