Poster Session 11/2013
MURI Review Meeting
November 14-15, 2013 – MIT, 32 Vassar St., Cambridge, MA – Meeting Agenda
Poster Session
November 14, 2013 at MIT, Building 36, Room 428
Poster List
Clarice Aiello | MIT | Time-optimal alternating controls |
Ashok Ajoy | MIT | Towards Protein Structure Determination with NV Centers in Diamond |
Michele Allegra | MIT | Minimum-time generation of quantum gates: from brachistochrone curves to geodesics |
Keigo Arai | MIT | Nanoscale Fourier magnetic imaging using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond |
Kristin Beck | MIT | All-Optical Switch and Transistor Gated by One Stored Photon |
Chinmay Belthangady | Harvard University | Dressed-State Resonant Coupling Between Bright and Dark Spins in Diamond. |
Ulf Bissbort | MIT | Emulating solid-state physics with a hybrid system of ultracold ions and atoms |
Wenlan Chen | MIT | All-optical switch and transistor gated by one photon |
Alexandre Cooper | MIT | Time-resolved magnetic sensing with electronic spins in diamond |
Stephen DeVience | Harvard University | Multi-Nuclear Spin Sensing and Imaging with Diamond NV Centers |
David Glenn | Harvard-Smithsonian CfA | Rapid Magnetic Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells with NV Diamond |
Mike Grinolds | Harvard University | Sub-nanometer resolution in magnetic resonance imaging of individual dark spins |
Masashi Hirose | MIT | Continuous dynamical decoupling magnetometry |
Jean-Christophe Jaskula | Harvard-Smithsonian CfA | NV-diamond super-resolution imaging and magnetometry |
Eric Kessler | Harvard University | Quantum Error Correction for Metrology |
Shimon Kolkowitz | Harvard University | Probing magnetic noise near a conductor with a single spin qubit |
Peter Komar | Harvard University | Quantum clock network |
Nicholas Langellier | Harvard University | Application of Laser Frequency Combs to the Search of Earth-like Exoplanets |
David Le Sage | Harvard University | Magnetic imaging of living cells using NV centers in diamond |
Qiyu Liang | MIT | Quantum nonlinear optics with cold Rydberg atoms |
Igor Lovchinsky | Harvard University | Toward single-molecule MRI |
Luca Marseglia | MIT | Tailoring the diamond – solid immersion lens coupled to Colour centres in diamond |
Brendan Shields | Harvard University | High Collection Efficiency with NV Centers in Diamond Nanobeams |
Swati Singh | ITAMP, Harvard University | Towards demonstration of Levy flights in single quantum systems |
Xiaoting Wang | MIT | Minimum-time generation of quantum gates: brachistochrone curves as geodesics |
Susanne Yelin | University of Connecticut | Levy flights for single NV centers |
Review meeting agenda