Poster Session 2014
MURI Review Meeting
October 16-17, 2014 – MIT, 32 Vassar St., Cambridge, MA – Meeting Agenda
Poster Session
October 16, 2014 at MIT, Building 36, Room 428
Poster List
Ashok Ajoy | MIT | Atomic-scale nuclear spin imaging using quantum-assisted sensors in diamond |
Keigo Arai | MIT | Nanoscale imaging and control of NV centers using pulsed magnetic field gradients |
Johannes Bauer | Harvard | Realizing a Kondo-correlated state with ultracold atoms |
Kristin Beck | MIT | Cross-Modulation of Two Laser Beams at the Individual-Photon Level |
Samuel Brewer | MIT/NIST | The NIST Al+ quantum-logic clock |
Francesco Casola | Harvard | Nanoscale probing of spin waves using single electron spins |
Nicholas Chisholm | Harvard | |
Masashi Hirose | MIT | Decoherence-protected quantum gate using nuclear spins |
Jiazhong Hu | MIT | Deep entanglement of 2000 atoms by one photon detection |
Jean-Christophe Jaskula | Harvard | Super-resolution magnetometry |
eric kessler | Harvard | Quantum Error Correction for Metrology |
Michael Knap | Harvard | |
Peter Komar | Harvard | Quantum networks of optical clocks |
Paul Junghyun Lee | MIT | |
Igor Lovchinsky | Harvard | Single Protein NMR using Quantum Logic |
Luca Marseglia | MIT | Tailoring the Diamond – Micro and Nano fabrication of structures coupled to colour centres in diamond |
Emma Rosenfeld | Harvard | Nano-MRI with NV-Dark Spin Hartmann-Hahn |
Arthur Safira | Harvard | Probing Magnetic Noise Near a Conductor with a Single Spin Qubit |
Kasturi Saha | MIT | |
Vladimir Stojanovic | Harvard | Transmon-based simulator of sharp small-polaron transitions |
Alex Sushkov | Harvard | Magnetic resonance detection of individual proton spins using a quantum reporter network |
Huiliang Zhang | Harvard | Selective coherent control of nanoscale multi-qubit systems using strong pulsed magnetic field gradients |
Hao Zhang | MIT |
Review meeting agenda